Court-Ordered Dog Evaluations & Training

As Denver’s top dog trainers and dog aggression experts, we are certified to issue court-ordered dog evaluations, provide suggestions to the court, as well as provide the necessary training for your dog to address their behavior issues.

Has your dog been issued a court ordered dog evaluation?
We know this can be a very stressful time. Call us, we can help!

What is a Court-Ordered Dog Evaluation?

A court-ordered dog evaluation refers to an assessment or examination of a dog's behavior or temperament. This type of evaluation may be ordered in legal cases or instances where a dog has been involved in an incident such as an alleged bite or attack.

The purpose of a court-ordered dog evaluation is to gather information about the dog's behavior and to assess whether it poses a risk to public safety. The evaluation should only be performed by qualified professionals, such as our certified dog trainers.

happy dog smiles out of car window

When Do You Need a Court-Ordered Evaluation?

A court-ordered dog evaluation may be necessary in various situations where there are legal concerns or disputes related to a dog's behavior. Some of these include dog bite or dog aggression incidents and public safety concerns. In these cases, a court will require a professional evaluation to be to be conducted on the dog in order to make informed decisions about legal actions, restrictions, or necessary interventions.

What is the goal of dog behavior evaluations?

The conclusions drawn from such evaluations can vary based on specific circumstances and the goals of the assessment. Some common conclusions that may result from a court-ordered dog evaluation are a Safety Assessment (determining whether the dog poses a threat to public safety), Risk Level (how likely the dog is to exhibit aggressive behavior in the future and the severity of such behavior), Training Recommendations (suggestions for training and behavior modification), Rehabilitation Potential (the potential for rehabilitating the dog's behavior), among other conclusions and suggestions.

dog sits quietly during dog training class

How is a dog assessed in a court-ordered evaluation?

During a court-ordered dog evaluation, various aspects of the dog's behavior, temperament, and overall demeanor are assessed. The goal of the evaluation is to provide the court with an objective assessment of the dog's behavior, helping to inform decisions about the dog's future.

The specific criteria and methods may vary, but common elements include:

  1. Temperament and Aggression Levels

  2. Socialization Skills

  3. Obedience and Training

  4. History of Aggressive Incidents

  5. Health Examination

  6. Environment and Living Conditions

  7. Owner's Handling Skills

Why choose Ancillary K9 for your court-ordered evaluation

It is absolutely imperative that you choose a licensed professional to preform a court-ordered dog evaluation. This is because conclusions of a court-ordered dog evaluation can have significant legal implications. These conclusions may influence court decisions, such as whether the dog is allowed to remain with its owner, whether restrictions are placed on the dog, or whether more severe measures, such as euthanasia, are considered.

At Ancillary K9, we are dog behaviour and dog aggression experts. We understand the nuances of dog aggression better than anyone else. We guarantee a fair and honest assesement of your pet, and we always keep the best interestest of you, your dog, and the community in mind.

dog trainer for aggressive dogs

Early Training for Behavior Prevention

Early training is the best way to prevent behavior issues down the road. Training a puppy or young dog helps instill good habits, encourages positive socialization, and establishes clear communication between the owner and the pet. This early investment in training helps shape a well-adjusted and socially competent adult dog, reducing the likelihood of future behavioral problems. By addressing potential issues early on, owners can create a strong relationship with their canine companions, ensuring a well-behaved and happy pet in the long run.

Whether your pup is facing a court-ordered evaluation or you just see the writing on the wall, get in touch with us today.

dog smiles during dog training classes

Packages & Pricing

Limited Time Offer!

Reserve a complimentary consultation, evaluation and temperament test for your dog! (A $199 Value)